Wednesday 17 October 2012

Opposites Do Attract

You always hear people ask "how can two kids, who are raised by the same two people in the same environment be so completely different?".   In fact, I often marvel at the unique genetic combinations my children inherited from Mr. Level-Headed and I.  One rule of thumb in our house is: if a child looks like one particular side of the family then they act like the other side.  It is so funny!  Zoe looks identical to her mama, but every ounce of her personality is level-headed.  Elliot is Webster through and through down to his round, little face and hazel eyes, but, and I don't usually like to admit this, he acts just like his mama with his flare for everything dramatic!  Avery is no exception.  He looks identical to papa Skov, but he has his dad's intense determination.

You should now begin to ask yourself "where is she going with this?"

wait for it . . . 

wait for it . . .

On Monday night, Avery came home from soccer determined to become as strong as Captain America, without relying on the plush muscles sewn into his costume.  

He briskly walked around the kitchen island, talking a mile a minute about his goals and, sadly, being ignored by his usually doting mother, who was being swallowed up by a ginormous mound of dirty dishes.  Sensing his words were falling upon deaf ears, he grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and began to outline his new workout and meal plan.  He put on his jammies, brushed his teeth, and went off to bed informing everyone that "sleep is work" and it is necessary for growing strong muscles.  


The Master Plan

I love how the last line says: "after 21 days do ten more" . . . 

The next morning, as I was groggily roaming around the kitchen attempting to put together a lunch my lovely, teenage daughter may actually eat, I heard Avery hop out of bed and begin his new morning routine.  When I looked in on him, he was doing push ups on my exercise mat in his skibbees. Too cute!  In the background, I saw Elliot burrowed under three, thick blankets blissfully sleeping his morning away.  I laughed at the contrast.  Avery, being very Mr. Level-Headed-like, gives himself no excuse when it comes to getting things done.  As soon as the alarm goes off, he and his dad bound out of bed and never look back.  Elliot and I, on the other hand, need to be "brought around" to the idea of waking up and starting another day, like it is a choice.  We ease our way back into the world of the living; whereas, the Webster robots charge at it head on.

This morning was no different.  As I fumbled my way to the kitchen with my worn, fleece housecoat pulled tight around my body in an attempt to trick my sub-concious into thinking I was still wrapped up in my warm blankets, I heard Avery doing his jumping jacks in a dark room filled with the soft snores of his sleeping brother, and I chuckled.

Like Mr. Level-Headed and I, they may approach life differently, but they couldn't imagine living it without one another.

awwwwww . . . .

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